Jack my arts paintings blogs
2017년 8월 12일 토요일
Bakh Mariya \ A drop of water on the palm of your hand ...
A drop of water on the palm of your hand.
It's too little to get drunk,
But enough for beauty.
You can not satiate this world,
But you can become a drop of water on his palm.
Alexander Svetlov
by Vladimir Kush Born From The Sea
2017년 8월 8일 화요일
A little advertising ...
In my opinion, such a Dragon-reader could become a symbol of the lyre for this year.
After all, we are all Chukchi readers here. Well, in some places writers.))
Advertising agency: Lápisraro Comunicação, Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
Illustrator: Francisco Valle.

Advertising agency: Paz Comunicação Estratégica, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Illustrator: Lorenzo Durán
In order to stop deforestation in green areas of cities, the Spanish illustrator Lorenzo Durán made several
advertising posters that show that the destruction of trees causes great damage to the entire ecosystem and will
worsen the health of city residents.
All illustrations are made by hand from real leaves, which were cut out figuratively and subsequently photographed.
And these are already turned into the future, because Valentine's Day is not far off!
After all, we are all Chukchi readers here. Well, in some places writers.))
Advertising agency: Lápisraro Comunicação, Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
Illustrator: Francisco Valle.

Advertising agency: Paz Comunicação Estratégica, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Illustrator: Lorenzo Durán
In order to stop deforestation in green areas of cities, the Spanish illustrator Lorenzo Durán made several
advertising posters that show that the destruction of trees causes great damage to the entire ecosystem and will
worsen the health of city residents.
All illustrations are made by hand from real leaves, which were cut out figuratively and subsequently photographed.
And these are already turned into the future, because Valentine's Day is not far off!
Sunny beach" of Salerno.
When it comes to Salerno and its bay, the metaphor "Sunny Beach" is not a tribute to courtesy, the word "sunny" is the very essence of these places, the sun breathes in every pebble, grain and smile of Salerno.
Not only nature is sunny, but also culture.
Of particular interest is the history of the city during the Second Golden Age, which began with the formation in 847 of the Principality of Salerno.
The city of Salerno is located in the eponymous province of the region of Campania, in the picturesque Salerno Bay, south of Rome and Naples.
The high shore, the hills of which are covered with citrus groves, surround a wide sea bay,
Where Salerno - the old southern capital of the Normans - seeks to take its place among other Italian cities of the arts.
Here, as elsewhere in the Campania region, there is a large archaeological zone,
Since The province has attracted Greek colonists since the VII century BC.
Already in the days of Ancient Rome in place of modern Salerno was a developed settlement, but the peak of its development occurred in the Lombards era, built on the top of the hill impregnable fortress.
The development of culture at that time was unrivaled. Salerno was rightly called "the city of Hippocrates."
It was here that the famous Salernitan medical school arose.
Today Salerno, like the vast majority of cities on the Amalfi coast, is a popular resort.
Along with this, the city remains a strong industrial and agricultural center.
Much of the city's attractions date back to the reign of the Langobard dukes, and many architectural monuments of the late Middle Ages.
The center of Salerno's life has always been the main street, which has an incredibly rich history and represents today a mixture of museums and shopping tents.
From it and it is worth starting a trip around the city.
Trading street (via dei Mercanti)
Via dei Mercanti (street Kuptsov) - a busy street, whose name is associated with the name of Areca II, Duke of Lombards, who in the second half of the 8th century turned his duchy into a principality and adorned Salerno with memos that still bear witness to the luxury of those times.
Traditionally, local merchants lived and traded here, and residents, except for profitable purchases, received all the latest news.
If you want to feel the historical spirit of Salerno, be sure to wander through this ancient winding street.
But interest in the city is not only Via dei Mercanti.
During 13 centuries, historical monuments of art and architecture appeared in Salerno, retaining their splendor to the present day.
Cathedral (Cattedrale di Salerno)
In the historic part of the city of Salerno is the magnificent cathedral of San Matteo (1077).
The cathedral bears the name of St. Matthew - one of the four evangelists, whose remains were taken to the city in 954 and rest in a vaulted crypt under the main altar.

Duomo di Salerno
The cathedral is one of the most outstanding sights of the historic center of Salerno.
It was erected in the XI century, significantly modernized in the XVIII century and very badly damaged by the 1980 earthquake.
The cathedral was built in 1076-1085. By the order of Robert Gyuiskar. When the cathedral was rebuilt in the XVIII century. The portal with lions of the Romance style of the 11th century was preserved.

Remains of masonry in the cathedral of Salerno.
Climbing wide front staircases and bypassing the so-called "Gates of Lions", you can see the portico of rare beauty, the colonnade executed in Islamic style, the loggias decorated with colorful decorations, the fountain of the classical era, and to the left the bell tower of the 12th century.
To get to the church, we pass through the magnificent gate cast from bronze in Constantinople in 1099.

Inside the church you can see three arches, including the mosaic of San Matteo, two magnificent pulpits enameled with colored glass, a modern Easter chandelier and an iconostasis sparkling with decorations, mosaic floors, 16th century wooden seats, Roman and medieval tombs, marble fences of the main altar with Frescoes of Solimen, the grave of Pope Gregory VII, the funerary monument of Queen Margarita di Durcino, and finally the crypt, executed in the Baroque style, where the remains of San Matteo are buried.
2017년 8월 6일 일요일
Nadine Schönfeld. Neon people, neon dances.
A man of Zakulis, I beg you,
tell me,
How does a neon wind tear off targets?
I'm on the edge of the cliff,
Along the lines of life
Running away
Through the walls of night dreams.
Take me back there,
Where there is no snow,
Where the silver waterfall is carrying
To the ocean ...
Where dreams are surreal,
Where the wet
Touches his lips with the hands of a creeper.
You are a lucky warrior
Named Maro,
I'm Zeudi Araya,
From a predatory clan.
My totem on the thigh is the genus of Jaguar,
And the tattoo on your shoulder is Iguana.
Primitive odors
Melting inaudibly
On the hunt.
You're strong, I'm clever, close.
And, frightening the hummingbirds hanging motionless,
Scream of a lemur
Flies over the tropical hell.
Time of warm monsoons
On the skin with a tan.
Call of blood will not let go, and strange countries ...
I'll be back
In this fierce roar of a jaguar
And in a swift run through the water iguanas ...
Mira Griss
Printed Pushkin and his dashing life
Many people take it out against me
And now, perhaps, they will ask:
Silly so why joke?
What's the matter with them? Want.
Famous Russian writer Ivan Dmitriev once visited the house of Pushkin's parents when the latter was still a child.
Ridiculously over the original type of boy's face and his curly hair, Dmitriev said:
"What a hag!"
In response to this, the ten-year-old grandson of Hannibal suddenly cut off:
- Yes, but not hazel grouse!
One can imagine the surprise and embarrassment of those present who realized that Pushkin's boy was making fun of Dmitriyev's face, disfigured by rowan.
In the famous lyceum, Pushkin, it turns out, acted according to the blat.
The lyceum was founded by Minister Speransky himself, the set was not large - only 30 people, but Pushkin had an uncle - a very famous and talented poet Vasily Lvovich Pushkin, who was personally acquainted with Speransky. I do not know how my uncle felt afterwards, but on the list of successful pupils who were prepared for the graduation party, Pushkin was second from the end.

"Where are you now serving?"
One lyceum student soon after graduating from the Imperial Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, in 1929. I met Pushkin on Nevsky Prospekt. The poet, having seen on it a lyceum uniform, approached and asked:
Are you probably just released from the Lyceum?
-Yes, just released with the secondment to the Guards, - the lyceum student answered and in turn asked: - Were you raised in our lycee, too?
"May I ask you where you are now serving?"
"I'm numbered in Russia," answered Pushkin.

Alexander Sergeevich during his stay in the Tsarskoe Selo Lyceum decided to flee to Petersburg for a walk. Goes to the tutor Tricot, he does not start up, stating that he will watch him.
Pushkin waved his hand at this statement and, taking Kukhelbecker, escapes to Peter. Tricot followed. Alexander Sergeyevich comes first to the outpost.
"Alexander, however!" Answers the poet. Zastavny writes down the name and lets the person go. Behind Pushkin drives Kiichelbecker.
"Surname?" He asked again.
"Grigory Dwako!" Answers Comrade Pushkin, who invented this ingenious combination.
Zastavny writes and doubts his head. Finally, the tutor arrives.
"Your name?" His guard asked.
- Tricot.
"Well, you're lying." The patient's patience is losing patience. "There's something unkind here!" One by one - One, Two, Three! Shawl, brother, go to the guard!
Poor Trikot spent the whole day under arrest at the outpost, and Pushkin freely pokatil with his friend.

As a junker, Pushkin very often visited high-ranking people, who at that blissful time for any outstanding talent, both literary and artistic, still continued to look as though they were clownish and tried to extract from such talent as possible for themselves amusing . Pushkin was squeamish about such a relationship with himself and fiercely protested against them with accurate, sarcastic impromptu impromptu.
Appearing once to a high-ranking person, Pushkin found him lying on the couch and yawning with boredom. When the poet entered the person, of course, and did not think to change the posture, and when Pushkin, having transferred what was needed, wanted to retire, he was ordered to pronounce an impromptu.
"The children on the floor are smart on the couch," Pushkin said irritably through his teeth.
"Well, what's so witty about here," objected the person, "de-ty to the clever man on the couch." I can not understand ... I expected more from you.
Pushkin was silent, and when the person, repeating the phrase and moving the syllables, finally reached such a result: the half-witted fellow on the sofa, then, of course, immediately and indignantly dismissed Pushkin.

Once Pushkin was very out of sorts. He had a strong need for money, and was not foreseen to receive them soon. In these unpleasant moments is some German shoemaker and energetically demands a meeting with Pushkin. The disgruntled poet comes out and sharply asks:
- What do you need?
"I came to you, Mr. Pushkin, for your goods," answered the German.
- What? The poet asked again, bewildered.
- You write poetry. I came to buy from you four words from your poems; I do a vaccine and I want to print four words on the label, very good words - "clearer than the day, darker than night." For this I will give you, Mr. composer, 50 rubles. Do you agree?
Pushkin, of course, agreed, and the German, satisfied with the poet's pliability, went off to order the desired labels

Someone, wishing to embarrass Pushkin, asked him in society: "What similarity between me and the sun?".
"Neither you nor the sun can not look without frowning," the poet replied quickly.

At one dinner in Chisinau, a respectable gentleman, a hunter to strong drinks, decided to assure that vodka is better than medicine in the world and that it can be cured even from fever.
"Allow me to doubt," remarked Pushkin. The man was offended and called him a sucker.
"Well, if I'm a sucker," said Pushkin, "then, of course, you are a wine-picker."

by : Cao Yong Paintings for sale
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