Happy gift of creativity. Modern Russian artist Jaroslav Zyablov
Happy gift of creativity.
Modern Russian artist Jaroslav Zyablov
Talent for painting Yaroslav Zyablova started early. Youth of the future artist (he was born in Moscow in 1977) was associated with Odessa, radiant light south. In the local art school and the first exhibition of his sketches stands out for its beauty, for original motives poetry.

Willow blooms

Water and sky

Solovki.Belaya night
The same beneficial trend continued in the years of study at the Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. Returning to the capital of the young man entered into it in 1997, learned a lot from teachers, J. Zyablov escaped epigonism, the notorious "museum" of color, and in the later years of their studies and thoughtless "brilliance". His constant creative god and teacher is the real nature.

Suzdal spring


Bird cherry blossoms
Zyablov Yaroslav I. was born in 1977 in Moscow, in a family of artists.
Since 1984. by 1996. lived in Odessa.
In 1991. entered the Odessa State Art College. Grekova. During training participated in student exhibitions. His works are in the museum and metodfonde OGHU. In 1996. graduated OGHU. Thesis "Watchmaker" marked praise advice.
In 1996 he enrolled at the Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture.
In 2003 he graduated from RAZhViZ.
2003-2005 he studied at the graduate school RAZhViZ. Member of the IFA c 2003. Member of MOSH Russia since 2006. 2003-2006 taught at RAZhViZ.
Made a creative journey through the ancient Russian cities and monasteries in Ukraine, the Crimea, on the Kola Peninsula and Solovki, as well as the cities and provinces of Europe and the United States.

Evening in the lush garden

Flowering almond

Odessa Yard
Jaroslav Zyablov - known and promising - today it is rare - a successful artist. He has exhibited. Exposure to his landscapes are equally interesting to both domestic and foreign audiences. The paintings are stored and attract poetic representation of the real nature.

In the old fortress (sketch)


Krylatsky Hills

Old apiary (sketch)


Adrift summer ...


Crew cut


Kamenka River

Autumn Gold

Autumn pond






River Runs Through It

Steam over the water

Homeward Bound





Night fairy tale
This picture of the artist was known to me for a long time, it is an amazing house at dusk, he also came to see me all the artist's work, and I'm not disappointed.

In winter, the Setun

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